January 2014

Looking Back – Looking Forward

The New Year is often a time of transition and reflection. One can review various projects, and their progress, and a re-alignment with goals can be taken. Think of the wonderful music that you have listened to or played this year. Are you advancing towards becoming the trumpet player and musician that you hope to become? Ask yourself direct questions; evaluate carefully and then take action! Towards the goals of this website section-“ FYI” please review the suggested recordings or materials that were of interest to you … have you asked direction type questions such as:  “do my high notes sound as relaxed?”; “can I make my attacks sound clearer?” We listen for enjoyment and direction in our practice. If you are not making the progress you would like, ask your teacher specific questions. If you do not yet study privately, consider that…private study often will help you advance faster if you already have good practice habits. Ask your band director for recommended teachers in your area. You can also ask at the local music store, college or university. Be inspired and take action to reach your goals! Looking forward- when I try to learn how to do something new, or accomplish a new goal, often I will have many questions.  If I relate those questions to an area that I am already trying to do, I find that problems and plateaus dissolve and I am again moving forward. Towards that concept, I suggest you try something different.  Recently a friend showed me the  http://www.zentangle.com/ website. I have long been a doodler… it is fun, easy, creative. Zentangle might open questions and show you how to redirect your questions for a project or an area of study that you are involved with… After getting started I bought the pictured book:

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On January 1st, my wife Marian, a visiting friend Sarah, and myself each did a Zentangle… this was the result…



























Consider giving this a try- ask questions and have fun!